The Meta Quest 2 is he sold to the Fnac and on Amazon from €449.99.

At least, if it has not been canceled as Splinter Cell VR… Hope that Ubisoft tell us more about this soon Assassin’s Creed VRwhy not next October 11 during the Connect 2022 of Meta since to date it has only been announced on the one who was then called Oculus Quest 2. You will notice the disparity in the distribution of these missions, Ezio having six, Connor five, Cassandra four and Haytham only one, but after all he is not one Assassin. Mission 15 – Spymaster Reveal with Connor.Mission 14 – Battle of Munychia with Kassandra.Mission 13 – Return of the Cult of Hermes with Ezio.Mission 12 – Barton Rain Finale with Connor.Mission 10 – The Informant with Kassandra.Mission 9 – The Thirty Tyrants with Kassandra.Mission 8 – The Three Humiliations with Ezio.Mission 7 – Siege of Boston with Connor.Mission 5 – Hunting The Bow with Kassandra.Mission 3 – Monteriggioni Tunnels with Ezio.Mission 2 – Return to Monteriggioni with Ezio.Mission 1 – The Sword of Ezio with Ezio.The latter now adds a layer in unveiling the titles of these different levels and the characters they would stage, all of this obviously being to be taken with a grain of salt. It was then mentioned 16 playable missions with multiple protagonists of the saga. Indeed, we reported to you last April a rumor about this episode VR who would be called Assassin’s Creed Nexusalready reported by Tom Henderson, with the addition of a possible video of gameplay posted on Reddit.