The 3DS game also includes an Art Studio in which players can create and save two different kinds of artwork at any time. Playing the unlocked Nanogames later gives players the chance to earn bronze, silver or gold medals depending how far they get.

Most of the Nanogames require the 3DS console for tapping (such as matching a pair of cards), drawing (to colour or draw whatever is needed on the Touch Screen), flicking (throwing a frisbee to the right place), shaking the console (to destroy the city as giant Plankton) and even tilting the system left and right. In the game players must complete a series of minigames called 'Nanogames' within a 5-second time limit (akin to Nintendo's 'WarioWare' series) in order to become a member of Patchy the Pirate's SpongeBob SquarePants fan club.

Each game has a short time constraint and can only be attempted five times before failing. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs, The Game Tokyo.

'SpongeBob Squigglepants 3D' is the 3DS adaptation of the uDraw game 'SpongeBob Squigglepants' for the Nintendo Wii. Download SpongeBob SquigglePants 3DS ROM for Citra SpongeBob SquigglePants About the Game Over 100 mini-games, often known as Nanogames, require the touchpad in SpongeBob SquigglePants. SpongeBob SquigglePants Super Smash Bros.